
People sit in front of me for readings because they have very real problems with work, dating, retirement, divorce….and all the other things that regular people are nosy about. They don’t want to hear vague musings from me about “your energy is shifting” and ” you’re on the cusp of change as you dive into your authentic self” I am a mystic who hates woo – we do exist. As far as maps of consciousness go, numerology and astrology rock. They let me laser in on things so I don’t waste anyone’s time.  

My goal is to give useful insight into what you want to know. 

I’ve been studying Tarot since 1989 and Chaldean numerology since 1993 but I was giving numerology career readings in the girl’s bathroom in high school in 1987. Over the years I’ve combined the two because I have found that they fit each other like old shoes. I have been a Mahabote Astrologer for nearly fourteen years, and I have started to talk about that now, too. 

Over the years I have tried to write in a nice professional register but ye gods it makes my hair hurt. I’m direct and I say things like “cornucopia of crapulence” and “shitty fabulosity”. I refer to 2020 as “The Great Fuckening”. 

I write about divination, mysticism, and art. If you go down the rabbit hole in these posts you can even find crochet patterns I’ve designed. I also write about my own crapulent episodes because I am a human and we all have crapulent moments. I also poke fun at things in the mystical community because we desperately need a good poking. 
